Breaking Boxes: Redefining Normal through Representation & Recognition

In today’s interconnected world, the importance of representation and recognition cannot be overstated. From workplaces to media outlets, from public forums to decision-making tables, the need for diverse voices and perspectives is more critical than ever. It’s not just about checking boxes; it’s about creating spaces where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. Join me…

Moving Beyond Silence: From Non-Racism to Anti-Racism

Every now and then, incidents of racism shake our communities, reminding us of the pervasive nature of this issue. From politicians to everyday individuals, racist comments and actions often go unchecked, perpetuating systemic inequalities and undermining the dignity of marginalised communities. Just this week, a Tory donor made a racist comment about Diane Abbott, a…

الله محيي الثابت: بين حسنات الثبات وسيئات التحجر

  تحمل مقولة “الله محيي الثابت” في طياتها قيمًا عميقة للثبات والاستقرار في الحياة، تحمل عرفاناً وتشريفاً لأولئك اللواتي والذين لا تزحزحهم مغريات الحياة عن مبادئهم ولا يخشون من الوقوف وراء ما يؤمنون به من قيم, ومع ذلك، يظهر أن بعضنا قد يفهم هذا الثبات بشكلٍ غير صحيحٍ، مما يؤدي في أغلب الأحيان إلى تحوّل…

نحن الأغلبية العالمية؛ نقلة في المنظور

Read it in English هل تم وصفكم يومًا بـ “الأقلية العرقية”؟  كإنسانة تعرّف على نفسها على أنها امرأة عربية، وُلدتُ في المملكة المتحدة، ونشأتُ في سوريا،  ودرستُ في فرنسا، وأعيش وأعمل الآن في المملكة المتحدة، فإن هذا المصطلح وجد طريقه إلى حياتي مراتٍ أكثر مما يمكنني أن أعد. ولكن ماذا لو قلت لكم أن هناك…

We are Global Majority, a shift in perspective

لقراءة التدوينة باللغة العربية Ever been called an “Ethnic Minority”? As someone who identifies as an Arab woman, born in the UK, raised in Syria, studied in France, and now living and working in the UK, the term has found its way into my life more times than I can count. But what if I…

Bridging the Gap: Cambridge is Not Just White and Wealthy

Cambridge is a tapestry of diversity, far beyond its academic prestige. A city renowned for its academic excellence is not defined by its prestigious university alone; it’s a vibrant mosaic of diverse communities, each with its unique cultures and heritage. While the academic sphere in the city thrives with wealth, prestige, and abundant resources, other…

Servant Leadership: Elevating People Above Causes

In the world of leadership, where ambition and success often take centre stage, it’s crucial to pause and reflect on what it truly means to lead. A recent experience shared by a friend* serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of Servant Leadership – a leadership style that places others’ well-being and growth at…

The Power of Lived Experience Leadership: Navigating the Dimensions of Lifeworld Existentials

As I walk down the street amidst a sea of human beings rushing around, each carrying their unique stories, and bearing my own lived experiences, I find myself reflecting on the ever-evolving landscape of leadership development. In this bustling amalgamation of existence, one approach has been steadily gaining momentum for its authenticity and transformative potential,…

Have You Been Othered? 

Unveiling the Impact of Implicit and Structural Biases on Belonging, Visibility, and Value Introduction In our diverse world, the unfortunate reality is that some individuals are often subjected to being “othered,” where they are treated as outsiders or excluded based on their identities and identity expression. This phenomenon is prevalent in both the workplace and…

Celebrating Diversity and Empowerment with #IAmRemarkable

Last week, I had the incredible opportunity to facilitate a new session under Google’s initiative #IAmRemarkable, right in my hometown of Cambridge, and in person! This remarkable experience became possible due to the gracious support of the Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum, whose convening power made this event a reality. As I stepped into the session,…