
Who are you?

Have you ever wondered how to answer this question? Have you ever felt puzzled about your identity as an individual, a family member, a community member, a loved one, a lover, a friend, or a colleague, among others? Have you ever wondered how to harmoniously integrate all of these identities in a way that benefits not only you but everyone around you?

If so, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with the question of identity. But it doesn’t have to be this way. With the right coaching, you can learn to embrace all of your identities and to live a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Welcome to a space where all the pieces of your identities are not only welcome but also acknowledged, respected, and celebrated.

Here, you’ll have the opportunity to see yourself in your entirety and to perceive the world and the people around you more deeply, ultimately enabling you to be truly seen.
I walk alongside people and help them to explore their identities, to understand how they are connected, and to find ways to express them all in a healthy and balanced way. I believe that everyone deserves to feel seen and accepted for who they are, and I’m here to help you achieve that.

Whether you are seeking coaching, mentoring, or a blend of both, and if you’d like to explore this space and learn more about how we can work together, you can schedule a free 30-minute introductory call with me Here .

How I can help you:

  • Identity coaching is a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It’s a deeply personal and profound exploration of who you are at your core, encompassing your values, beliefs, desires, and the multifaceted roles you play in your life. In the realm of identity coaching, you embark on a path to understand, align, and celebrate the different facets of your identity, ultimately fostering a sense of authenticity, purpose, and fulfilment. Whether you’re seeking to navigate life transitions, clarify your life’s purpose, or simply gain a deeper understanding of yourself, identity coaching offers a supportive and enriching process that empowers you to embrace and embody your truest self.
  • Identity and Leadership Coaching is a dynamic and holistic approach to personal and professional growth. It intertwines the exploration of your core identity with the development of leadership skills that empower you to navigate life’s challenges and excel in leadership roles working with people who are similar and different to you. This coaching journey delves deep into understanding your values, strengths, and the unique qualities that define you, all while honing leadership abilities that can catalyze change and inspire others. Whether you’re an emerging leader or a seasoned professional, Identity and Leadership Coaching provides you with the tools and insights to lead authentically, align your personal and professional goals, and make a lasting impact in your chosen domain. It’s a transformative voyage that equips you to not only become a more effective leader but also a more fulfilled and self-aware individual.
  • Lived Experiences, Social Justice and Cultural Intelligence Coaching: When you embark on a journey of Lived Experiences, Social Justice, and Cultural Intelligence Coaching, expect a transformative and enlightening experience. This coaching journey is designed to empower you with a deeper understanding of your own lived experiences and how they intersect with broader social and cultural contexts. You will gain the tools to navigate these intersections with grace and authenticity, fostering inclusivity and justice in your personal and professional life. Be prepared to challenge your perspectives, break down barriers, and embrace the richness of diverse narratives. This coaching experience is not just about knowledge; it’s about personal growth, empowerment, and creating positive change in an increasingly interconnected world.


I offer a sliding scale for pricing to ensure more inclusive services because I firmly believe that coaching and mentoring should be accessible to everyone.

Would you like to find out more and explore a free introductory call?

Please click here